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The life of Franz Kafka is closely connected to Old Town and the surrounding Old Town Square, where the Grand Hotel Praha is also located. Thanks to the unique accommodation directly in the heart of Old Town, you can be close to the history of this exceptional writer.

This writer, of Jewish origin, is one of the most appreciated and most influential writers of the 20th century. Kafka's birthplace is in one of the houses directly on the Old Town Square, right next to the Church of St. Nicholas. A gallery with a permanent exposition on Kafka's life has been opened in this house.

Kafka's family lived in Old Town in the environment of the Jewish Synagogue and Josefov, especially for the Jewish Sabbaths, when the Jews must not do much and must arrive at the ceremony on foot. Kafka's father even had his own shop in the Minute House (U Minuty) on the Old Town Square. The family moved approximately fourteen times within this area.

The immediate proximity of the Jewish ghetto, seat of Prague's Jews, but also the meetings of old Jewish intellectuals in the houses on the Old Town Square, played important roles in Kafka's life. The atmosphere of Old Town significantly is reflected in the entirety of Kafka's work and strongly influences his sensitive character. In Celetná Street, in the House of the Three Kings (U tří králů), Kafka got his first rented apartment with a direct view of the Týn Church. It fascinated Kafka so much that he reflected the theme of the church window in his work.

His work is characterized especially by mental ambivalence, the feeling of rejection and isolation from society. Kafka used this to transfer his own condition and conditions surrounding him. The interesting thing is that the majority of Kafka's work was almost unknown throughout his life and became famous only after his death and after the Second World War.

Not only will the fans of his work appreciate the possibility to see the places where this writer used to go, live and work. The places, also close to the Grand Hotel Praha, will allow you to immediately capture and enjoy the atmosphere of Kafka's Prague.